
Your Adversary, the Devil is unavailable, but you can change that!

Every Christian faces a powerful and cunning enemy—Satan. Victory over this opponent depends upon knowing his strategies and schemes and drawing upon the empowering presence of the Holy Spirit to stand against him. As Dr. Pentecost observes, “No individual can be victorious against the adversary of our souls unless he understands his philosophy, his methods of operation, his methods of...

will concede. If a man wants to believe that the Bible is errant and fallible but it is a special book, Satan will concede. He will let a man hold as much of divine truth as the man insists on believing up to the point of certain basic essentials. And these Satan never has, never will, and never can concede. The first doctrine that Satan opposes is the doctrine of the authority of the Scriptures, the doctrine of the verbal, plenary inspiration of the Word of God which gives authority and inerrancy
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